Typically, our phones are always with us. Here are a few apps to add to your toolbox and always have at your fingertips!

There are many great apps out there to supplement the work you are doing in therapy - many for free! Here are a few that I have gotten great feedback from clients on that you may also find helpful.
Trouble falling asleep? Want to be guided through some grounding exercises? Have a desire to track your moods or thought patterns? There's an app for that!
Best for Help Falling Asleep
The Calm app by far is the one that I hear client after client tell me helps them fall asleep with their Sleep Stories. The free version of this app also has daily guided meditations and breathing exercises. The consensus seems to be that it is worth paying for the full version so you have access to all the offerings. Taking a ten minute break each day to slow down and recharge is a great goal and once you get a streak going, it helps motivate you to continue to take that time for yourself. #sleep #mindfulness
Best for Anxiety and Depression
I recently came across the What's Up app and suggested it to a couple clients who immediately gave me feedback that the grounding exercises have been extremely useful. I have only worked with the free version of the app so cannot comment on what is available there but I will tell you the free version is loaded with great information and tools to help manage #anxiety and #depression.
Another app focused on low moods and anxiety that my clients are loving is Mood Mission.
This app asks you to complete surveys to give you a more personalized experience, plus you are contributing to research in the field of mental health. (Don't worry - all your information is confidential and no identifying information is kept). #lowmood
What apps do you find helpful? Email or message me and let me know! The more resources and options we can share with one another, the better the chance that we can find what works best for us!
